Software Testing Feedback

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FHWA invites feedback on the IHSDM - HSM Predictive Method 2015 Release Update software. Users are urged to complete the IHSDM - HSM Predictive Method 2015 Release User Feedback Form and e-mail it to . Feedback may also be provided by submitting a Problem Report/Change Request, by calling the IHSDM Help Line at (202) 493-3407, or by sending a message to the .

FHWA is also particularly interested in hearing about your experiences in applying IHSDM, e.g.:

  • To what projects have you applied IHSDM?
  • In which stage(s) of the project development process did you apply IHSDM?
  • Which safety evaluation modules did you use?
  • How were IHSDM results used to make project design decisions?
  • If you encountered obstacles when applying IHSDM, what were they and how did you overcome them?

To provide feedback on your use of IHSDM, please complete the Summary of IHSDM Application Form and e-mail it to .

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