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Before downloading the IHSDM software, individuals must complete a registration process. The registration process involves:

  1. You complete and submit a registration form that contains the following information:
  2. We verify that the form is complete and e-mail you instructions (the password required) for downloading the software from this site.

I wish to register for downloads

If you do not yet have a password, please enter your name, title, organization affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number and facsimile number. You will be sent an e-mail message with a password to enable download of IHSDM software files.

Privacy Statement: The information on this form will only be used for characterizing the IHSDM user base. If you select to receive e-mail notification of updates, your e-mail address and name will be used in the notification.

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Developed for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) program at the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Contract No. DTFH61-08-F-00118
Please direct your comments about this web site to Peter Holm at or 719-599-1695.
Legal notice
Document generated March 5, 2018.