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2.  Input Data Requirements

Each policy check has a set of input data requirements. Inputs may be defined for the whole length of the highway or for a portion of the highway. General classes of input data are as follows:

Project and evaluation related inputs include the project and evaluation attributes specified at the time the user creates a new project and an evaluation or re-runs an existing evaluation. This class of inputs includes: project unit system, evaluation year, evaluation bounds, type of project (new or reconstruction), and design vehicle. These data are set at the beginning of the evaluation, and they are defined for the entire length of highway being checked.

Highway default inputs include maximum superelevation and default normal cross slope. These data are set when a highway is defined and are accessible/editable through the highway "Properties."

Highway alignment inputs are read from the highway data files for the highway being evaluated or are entered via the "Highway Editor." The user can also modify these data through the IHSDM "Highway Editor" interface.

Road geometry elements inputs other than alignment data may also be read from the highway data file or entered via the "Highway Editor." This class of inputs for policy review evaluation includes: highway functional classification, highway terrain, design speed, design hour volume, thru lane width, curve widening, auxiliary lane data, shoulder data, bike facility usage, roadside slope, pavement type, cross slope data, bridge data, road surface type, obstruction offset, decision sight distance stations and type of avoidance maneuver.

See Data Requirements by Module for a summary of required and optional data for all modules.

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